Tag Archives: Alexander Hamilton

How Close Was the Vote to Ratify the Constitution?

–The Constitution was ratified at the Constitutional Convention by a vote of 39-3. –George Mason of Virginia objected because there was no Bill of Rights. –Those opposed to the Constitution were known as Anti-Federalists. –Anti-Federalists wrote 85 essays objecting to … Continue reading

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Aaron Burr’s Mother: An Example of Evangelical Friendship By Justin Taylor

When I was in high school (and this is dating me now), a new ad campaign for milk became the most famous pop culture reference about Aaron Burr:   But now, with the popularity of the Hamilton musical, more young people know more about … Continue reading

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Alexander-the-Not-So-Great: Hamilton Out on $10 Bill By Jarrett Stepman

The ongoing Women on the 20s campaign has been putting pressure on President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to Remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill. However, it turns out that the United States Treasury Department had another … Continue reading

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