Tag Archives: Political Correctness

Iconic James Bond Books to be Rewritten over ‘Offensive’ Language

By Eric Lendrum February 27, 2023 The legendary James Bond books by Ian Fleming, which inspired the longest-running film franchise in history, are being heavily edited to remove language that some far-left activists have deemed “racist” or “insensitive.” As reported by Fox News, the … Continue reading

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Disregard for the Law Is America’s Greatest Threat By Victor Davis Hanson

Barbarians at the gate usually don’t bring down once-successful civilizations. Nor does climate change. Even mass epidemics like the plague that decimated sixth-century Byzantium do not necessarily destroy a culture. Far more dangerous are institutionalized corruption, a lack of transparency … Continue reading

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Alexander-the-Not-So-Great: Hamilton Out on $10 Bill By Jarrett Stepman

The ongoing Women on the 20s campaign has been putting pressure on President Barack Obama and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew to Remove Andrew Jackson from the $20 bill. However, it turns out that the United States Treasury Department had another … Continue reading

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The New Inquisition–By Thomas Sowell

How long will this country remain free? Probably only as long as the American people value their freedom enough to defend it. But how many people today can stop looking at their electronic devices long enough to even think about … Continue reading

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